Leash manners Training for dogs

Are You Walking Your Dog Or Is Your Dog Walking You?

Book a Leash Manners Class in Sydney or a Private Tailored Training Session!

3-week Dog Leash Manners Course in Sydney only $199!

60 minute lessons. Maximum 10 dogs per class.

Location: Marrickville

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Book Your Private Class Here!

Dog Leash Manners Training in Sydney

Eazy Dog Training offers dog leash manners classes in Sydney!

 In our Leash Manners Classes you will be building skills to control your dog in challenging situations, improving overall behaviour outside, around other dogs and people, and strengthening the bond between you and your best friend.

A walk is very often the most exciting and stimulating part of your dog’s day, and unfortunately for many dogs it’s the only activity they get during the day. So the desire to pull and push ahead can be very strong. This is why a leash can become frustrating for a dog.

Being ‘tied’ to a person stops a dog’s ability to act naturally and do what they would love to do because without it they would sniff and run around exploring their environment.

It’s no wonder so many people struggle with lead manners! Dog Manners Training in Sydney can help you gain control.

We will teach your dog skills such as: 

sitting calmly next to you while greeting, stay, heel, loose leash walking, leave it, greeting people and other dogs in a polite way, passing other dogs, better recall skills and most importantly, how to focus on you with distractions around.

I will teach you what motivates your dog and how you really can “speak dog”.
Classes focus on greetings, passings and calm behaviour around other dogs and people.

Check out my Facebook for FREE training advice and tips!


Private Training for Reactivity/Aggression/Anxiety/Over-Arousal Issues on Walks:

  • 90-Minute Home Training Visit for $299, 1h Follow Up Lesson $149 if Required
  • 75-Minute Home Training Visit for Basic Leash Manners Training for $220, 1h Follow Up Lesson $149 if Required

One-on-one dog training session with a professional dog trainer in Sydney at your own home/area.

Doesn’t include behavioural training for issues such as anxiety, aggression, reactivity, over-arousal etc.

Only for basic leash manners training such as loose leash walking, calm passings, leaving items on walks, heeling, distraction training etc.

Home Training Packages for Leash Manners Training:

  • Basic Leash Manners Training Package 3 x 1h lessons $450 (no behavioural training included.)
  • Home Behavioural Training package $565, 1 x 90-minute initial session, 2 x 1h follow up lessons
  • Anxiety/ Aggression / Reactivity Training Package $715, 1 x 90-minute initial session, 3 x 1h follow up sessions, includes a leash manners online training course for home training.

Do You Have Issues Walking Your Dog? We Can Help With:

  • Barking at Other Dogs/People/Objects
  • Reactivity on Leash
  • Leash Aggression
  • Obsessive Sniffing, Peeing on walks
  • Pulling/Lunging on Leash
  • Stopping on Leash
  • Anxiety Outdoors on Walks
  • Fear Issues on Walks & With Leash/Harness
  • Picking Up Items/Food on Walks
  • Distraction Issues, Not Being Able to Focus on Walks
  • Chasing Moving Objects/Traffic etc.
  • Over-Excitement and Over-Arousal Issues on Walks
  • Inability to Calm Down When on Walks
  • And a Lot More!