Choosing the Right Dog – Dog Training Consultation

Do You Know How to Choose the Right Dog for You?

Dog Training Consultation Sydney - Ensure Getting the Dog of Your Dreams!

Have You Decided to Get a Dog? Congratulations!

Getting a puppy or new dog is one of the happiest moments of our lives. They give us so much love and affection that nothing really compares to it. But dogs are also a huge responsibility. That’s why a professional dog training consultation is a great idea! Here’s something to think about:

Are you ready to take care of a dog for the next 10-15 years?

Are you ready to train and raise your puppy into a well-behaved adult dog that’s a pleasure to be around?

Great! Then you just need to decide on the breed and temperament that you would like to live with. And that’s one of the most important things to focus on!

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What's Suitable Breed for You?

Most people choose a dog based on looks. This is a huge mistake! Even though there’s nothing wrong with choosing a dog who’s looks please your eye, it should never be the only or even the most important reason. The first thing to think about is your own lifestyle. Are you active? Do you want to exercise with your dog? Running, bicycle rides, hiking etc. are great for active breeds but might not suit some less active dog breeds. Are you home a lot? Or not that much? Some breeds are more independent than others and some are more likely to develop separation anxiety which can be difficult to fix. Don’t get a dog who loves human company more than anything else if you can’t offer that.

Are you an experienced dog owner? Some breeds can be very challenging… This means difficult! Do you have the time and patience to train a challenging dog? There are easier breeds to choose from!

Do you want a friendly and social dog? Once again, some breeds are more social and like other dogs and people more than others. Think about what you would like to do with your dog. If your answer is dog park, look for a breed suitable for it.

These are just a few of the important questions you should ask yourself before getting a dog. When you have determined what kind of life you would like to live with your dog, it’s time to start searching for the right breed. And that’s a big job! Why don’t you ask an experienced person to do it for you? My dog training consultation in Sydney gives you options of suitable dog breeds for you.

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Let Me Help to Choose the Right Dog for You!

There are hundreds of different dog breeds with their own bred qualities. It can be very over-whelming to make the decision on a breed, especially if you don’t have much experience. Lucky for you, I do! Let me help you choose the right breed for you!

Choosing the Right Breeder Isn’t Easy

Did you know that the mother dog’s personality is very likely to pass on to the puppies? Or that the early experiences at the breeders place will already shape your dog’s personality? Or that there are a lot of bad breeders out there!?

Early socialisation and experiences are the most important thing when we think about our dog’s personality.

Do you want a dog who’s confident and calm in new situations? Well, they need to be raised the right way to get that. Sound training, meeting other people and animals , handling, stepping outside their nest area etc. are all important things that must happen within the first 8 weeks of your pup’s life! But how many breeders put in the effort of doing these things? Not many!

Choosing the Right Dog Isn’t Any Easier!

It’s very exciting to go see the litter or kennel that you want a dog from. They all seem so cute and it’s very easy to forget the qualities you are looking for and choose the one that looks at you with those puppy eyes. But it’s very important to keep focused and remember that you’ll live with this dog for a long time. And most people don’t like difficulties. I can help you to find the perfect dog for you – and give you a professional & realistic opinion of the potential future challenges. This is very important especially with rescue dogs that often come with existing issues.

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