Dog Trainer Homebush – Obedience Classes for Dogs

Dog Trainer Homebush – Obedience Classes for All Dogs

Dog Obedience Training in Sydney Olympic Park

As well as training your dog to be obedient, you should also learn yourself how to train and interact with your dog. Most people get a dog for the company and enjoyment dogs bring, however, in public areas dogs are expected to behave in a certain way. And unfortunately, many people simply expect dogs to ‘know’ how they are meant to behave, without actually considering whether it is even natural or normal for them. Knowing how to train your dog from your dog’s point of view is a skill you need as a dog owner. And it’s the key aspect of having an obedient dog. Here’s advice from your dog trainer in Homebush.

When to start training

Whether you have just brought home a new puppy or a rescue dog or started struggling with your current dog, training should begin straight away. Remember, your dog can pick up bad habits if allowed to get away with certain behaviours at any time! A very common puppy training issues, for example, is that you allow your puppy to sleep in your room for the first few nights because he is crying, and then cannot shut your dog in another room at night because he barks and cries non-stop. This is because you taught your puppy by accident that they have a better option: sleeping right next to you. It’s a lot more difficult for dogs to accept new things if you first gave them a better option. So you should decide on the ground rules before your dog arrives and stick to them!

Eazy Dog Training Obedience Classes in Sydney Olympic Park – Your Dog Trainer in Homebush and nearby areas!

My obedience classes run for 4 weeks and cover all basic obedience skills from basic commands such as sit, down, stay and come to more challenging training such as heel, leave it and polite greeting manners. These classes will teach your dog focus and impulse control around other dogs and distractions.

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