Dog Trainer Sydney – Dog Training Methods

Dog Behaviour Trainer

There are heaps of different dog training methods to choose from and it can be frustrating to find out which is which and what method is going to be best for both you and your dog.

Here are a few of the most popular dog training methods used today.

1. Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is scientifically the most efficient dog training method. The theory behind it is fairly straightforward. Dogs will repeat good behavior when it’s followed by a reward. Bad behaviour does not get a reward or acknowledgement. If correction needs to happen, it comes in the form of removal of rewards. Positive reinforcement requires consistency. Therefore, everyone in your household needs to use the same commands and reward system.

2. Clicker Training

Clicker training is based on operant conditioning and relies heavily on the same principles as positive reinforcement. In fact, clicker training may be grouped in as a method of positive reinforcement, rather than as its own form of training. It relies on the use of a device to make a quick, sharp noise, such as a whistle or, as the name suggests, a clicker to signal to a dog when a wanted behaviour is accomplished.

First, the dog needs to be conditioned to know that a click means a reward is coming. Then the dog can associate a behavior with a click and a reward. Finally, the verbal command can be introduced to form a new association.

3. Electronic Training

Electronic training relies on the use of an electric collar that delivers a shock or a spray of citronella when a dog is performing an unwanted behaviour. It’s mostly used for training at a distance when a leash can’t be used.

There are many problems with this training method. One is that it relies on punishment for bad behavior instead of rewards, meaning a dog learns what they shouldn’t do, rather than what they should do. Another problem is that it can create a great deal of stress and lead to permanent anxiety issues for dogs.

4. Model-Rival Training

The model-rival method of training relies on the fact that dogs learn by observation. By providing a model of good behavior or a rival to compete for resources, dogs learn to mimic behaviors. This training method operates with a similar level of success as positive reinforcement and operant conditioning. However, some trainers may find it more natural and preferable.

If your dog has a strong bond with you and can spend a lot of time observing you and following you around, this may be a good technique for you. This training however would be very difficult for dogs that struggle to focus, and especially around distractions.

5. Alpha Dog Or Dominance

Dominance dog training relies on a dog’s instinctual pack mentality to create a relationship of submission and dominance. This theory suggests that dogs see their owners as pack members and follow a social hierarchy, as observed in captive wolf packs. Some methods used in this technique include understanding dog body language and projecting confidence and authority, and being first when it comes to eating, entering or leaving rooms, or walking on leash. This training doesn’t allow your dog on furniture with you, including the bed. You also don’t get down to your dog’s eye level. That’s because these are signs that your dog has equal standing in the relationship. You are in charge; you are dominant and you need to show it in every possible way.

Modern dog trainers say this technique is outdated, as new research has shown that dogs do not rely on pack mentality as much as previously thought, and the pack dynamic of wolves isn’t structured in the wild the same way it was when the animals were observed in captivity. Done wrong this training will reinforce aggression and cause more problems.