Dog Training Classes in Inner West Sydney

Eazy Dog Training Offers Dog Training Classes in Inner West Sydney!

Join my dog training classes in Inner West Sydney. I run basic obedience and manners training, agility and puppy schools in Annandale, Stanmore and Leichhardt!

Welcome to training your dog in a fun and rewarding way while making new friends!

Being a dog owner also means accepting a responsibility to train your dog manners. But a well-behaved dog does not happen overnight. It takes commitment, consistency and time, but is well worth the effort. Therefore an obedient dog is a valuable asset in your life, but most importantly a pleasure to be around. Dog training doesn’t only improve the bond between you and your dog. It also makes a huge difference to your dog’s behaviour and contributes to their social skills both at home and with other dogs outside.

Eazy Dog Training offers positive dog training classes for dogs any age, breed and skill level.

Positive Dog Training

positive dog training

I only use a positive dog training method called ‘positive reinforcement’.

This means using rewards such as treats, cuddles, toys, attention, play etc.

Finding a good dog trainer has never been more difficult than it is today. Finding a professional and experienced dog trainer with the skills and knowledge to help you is difficult enough but the reality is that there are still a lot of old school dominance and punishment-based trainers out there. They continue to use outdated and dangerous methods and equipment to harm the special bond we have with our pets.

I do not use choke or prong collars, head collars etc. or accept or recommend using them. And I do not believe in the old-fashioned pack leadership. I do believe in pack behaviour but I don’t think our dogs are ever trying to ‘take over’ the leadership from us.

My experience is that most of the issues dogs have are caused by our lack of understanding regarding dog behaviour. Something small can easily become a big issue over time. When you know the reason behind a particular behaviour, positive training methods can alter the behaviour in a dog-friendly way.