What Is Rally Obedience?

dog charging

Rally Obedience (Rally-O)

Rally Obedience, often referred to as Rally-O, is a dog sport that combines elements of traditional obedience training with a more interactive and dynamic format. It is designed to be a fun and enjoyable activity for both dogs and their handlers. Rally O is recognised by various kennel clubs and organisations, and competitions are held worldwide.  

Key Features of Rally Obedience:

1. Course Design: A Rally O course is set up with a series of numbered signs or stations. Each sign contains instructions for a specific obedience exercise or behaviour. 2. Flowing Movement: Unlike traditional obedience where exercises are performed at specific locations, in Rally Obedience, handlers and their dogs navigate through the course following a predetermined sequence. The flow is continuous. 3. Verbal Interaction: Handlers are encouraged to talk to and encourage their dogs throughout the course. Verbal cues and positive reinforcement are essential components. 4. Variety of Exercises: Rally courses include a variety of obedience exercises such as sits, stays, heeling, turns, recalls, and more. The specific exercises depend on the level of difficulty and the organisation’s rules. 5. Scoring: Competitors are scored based on their performance. Points may be deducted for mistakes, and the team with the highest score and quickest time (if there’s a tie in points) is the winner. 6. Levels of Difficulty: Rally Obedience is often divided into different levels of difficulty, such as Novice, Advanced, Excellent, and Master. Each level introduces more complex exercises and challenges. 7. Inclusivity: One of the strengths of Rally Obedience is its inclusivity. Dogs of all breeds and mixed breeds, as well as handlers of different ages and abilities, can participate. 8. Titles and Certifications: Successful completion of Rally courses can earn dogs titles and certifications recognized by kennel clubs and dog organizations.  

Benefits of Rally Obedience:

– Bonding: Rally Obedience strengthens the bond between dogs and their handlers through positive interaction and teamwork. – Fun and Engagement: The dynamic nature of Rally courses keeps both dogs and handlers engaged, making training enjoyable. – Training Reinforcement: Rally O provides an opportunity to reinforce basic obedience training in a more interactive and challenging environment. – Inclusivity: It is a sport that is accessible to a wide range of participants, promoting a sense of community among dog enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or someone looking for a fun and structured way to train and bond with your dog, Rally Obedience offers an exciting and rewarding experience.